Brief CV Prof. Hünenberger

Name: Hünenberger, Philippe Henry
Title: Doctor of Natural Sciences (Chemistry)
Professional Status: Professor (Physcial Chemistry, ETHZ)
Languages: French (first), English, German, Spanish (basics)
Address: Institute for Molecular Physical Sciences (IMPS) - ETH Hönggerberg, HCI G233 - 8093 Zürich - Switzerland
Phone: +41 44 632 55 03
Education / Positions
07/1987: Maturité Fédérale type C (Sciences) - Gymnase du Belvédère, Lausanne, Switzerland
09/1987 - 10/1991: Undergraduate student at the Faculté des Sciences - Université de Lausanne (UNIL), Switzerland
10/1991: Diploma in Chemistry - Diploma work in synthetic organic chemistry with Prof. P. Vogel on "Total asymmetric synthesis of 3-amino-3-deoxy-L-talose and derivatives"
01/1992 - 10/1992: Military training
12/1992 - 02/1997: Ph.D. student in the Institute of Physical Chemistry - Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich (ETHZ), Switzerland, with Prof. W.F. van Gunsteren
02/1997: Ph.D. thesis: "Molecular dynamics simulations using empirical force fields: Principles and applications to selected systems of chemical and biochemical interest". Examiner: Prof. W.F. van Gunsteren, co-examiner: Prof. R. R. Ernst
03/1997 - 10/1999: Post-doctoral fellow at the University of California at San Diego (UCSD), USA, with Prof. J. A. McCammon
03/2000 - 09/2005: Assistant Professor in the Institute of Physical Chemistry ETHZ, Zürich, Switzerland
10/2005 - 04/2011: Senior scientist in the Institute of Physical Chemistry Group of Prof. W. F. van Gunsteren, ETHZ, Zürich, Switzerland
05/2011 - ...: Titular Professor in the Institute of Physical Chemistry ETHZ, Zürich, Switzerland
Honors / Fellowships
07/1987: Award in Chemistry (fondation François Cherix), Biology (fondation Dr Marthe Nicati), and Mathematics (fondation Bezencenet) for excellence in the high-school degree
10/1990: Louis Pelet award for excellence in the first and second year examinations for Chemistry undergraduate students
12/1997: ETHZ medal for excellence of the Ph.D. thesis
01/1997: Research fellowship from the Swiss National Science Foundation (six months)
03/1997: Research fellowship from the Human Frontier Science Program (two years)
11/2008: Ruzicka Prize, awarded yearly to a young researcher (Swiss or working in Switzerland) with outstanding published work in the area of Chemistry
See the publication list on this site.