
Informatics I: Introduction to Computing for Chemists

Prof. Philippe H. Hünenberger / HS24


Fall semester 2024 (HS24)

16 September – 20 December 2024


Thursdays, 08:00-08:45 + 08:50-09:35 hrs, HIL E3 , ETH Hönggerberg (14x2 hours); lecture No 529-0001-00


First-semester students BSc Chemistry or Chemical Engineering + third-semester students BSc Interdisciplinary Natural Sciences (Biochem.-Phys. option) or Chemical Biology


Prof. Dr. Philippe H. Hünenberger, HCI G233 , tel. 25503, , www.csms.ethz.ch


The lecture is given in German, but all the written material, including the lecture slides and exercise scripts, is entirely in English


Provide the students with a starting package concerning the (nowadays very important!) computational aspects of natural sciences; more precisely, the goals of the course include:

  • Acquiring a basic knowledge of computer hardware (data representation and processing, computer architecture, data communication and networking)
  • Acquiring a basic knowledge of computer software (operating systems and programming languages)
  • Learning to work with the UNIX operating system (prominently used in sciences!)
  • Learning to program in C++ (focusing on the principles of programming rather than on the advanced features of C++ itself)
  • Understanding basic algorithms (e.g. sorting, searching and numerical algorithms) and algorithmic strategies
  • Understanding how algorithmic and programming choices influence computational accuracy and efficiency
  • Acquiring a perspective on the applications of computers in chemistry (representation of chemical structures, databases, molecular simulation)

Lecture schedule

lecture week date theme exercise
1 38 19.09.2024 Introduction / UNIX -
2 39 26.09.2024 UNIX / Data representation 1
3 40 03.10.2024 Data processing / C++ Statements 1
4 41 13.10.2024 C++ Functions 2
5 42 17.10.2024 C++ IO and arrays / Types of errors 2
6 43 24.10.2024 Algorithmics / Iteration vs recursion 3
7 44 02.11.2024 Sorting algorithms / Computer architecture 3
8 45 31.10.2024 Searching algorithms / Databases 4
9 46 14.11.2024 Numerical algorithms / Integration 4
10 47 21.11.2024 Algorithmic strategies 5
11 48 28.11.2024 Computer simulation / Networking 5
12 49 05.12.2024 Repres. of chem. struct. / Molecular Simulation 6
13 50 12.12.2024 Computers and society 6
14 51 19.12.2024 Corr. of sample examination / Exam. info. 7

Lecture number, calendar week, date, theme, and exercise number of the exercise in progress during this week

Lecture notes

  • A script of the lecture slides (student version) will be distributed at the first lecture as a booklet (pdf also available in the documents page); this script corresponds to the lecture slides of the previous semester, minus most of the "fun" slides and all of the answers to thinking questions
  • The slides corresponding to the lecture as given (including "fun" slides and answers to thinking questions) will be posted on this site after each lecture (pdf in the documents page)


See the exercises page on this site

Sample examination

  • At the last lecture (sample examination), the exam of the previous summer session will be solved "interactively" by the lecturer and students
  • The sample-exam problem statement will be made available to the students about two weeks in advance, for students who first would like to try on their own (recommended; pdf in the documents page).
  • The sample-exam solution will be posted after this last lecture (pdf in the documents page)
  • The sample-exam is for self-training (it is not corrected/graded by the assistants and does not count as an exercise)


  • The duration of the examination is two hours
  • The problem statement (Angabe) are provided both in German and in English
  • Your answers can be written either in German, in English or in French
  • No material is permitted besides pen and paper (possible exception: a dictionary)
  • No admission condition (Testat) is imposed
  • Since the exercises on the computer do convey and test essentially different skills as those being conveyed during the lectures and tested at the written exam, the results of the exercises are taken into account when evaluating the results of the exam (obligatorisches Leistungselement). More precisely, the average of your best five exercise grades will determine 12% of your final exam mark (0.72 points). In case of repetition of the exam, the exercise marks from a previous semester can be taken over.
  • Complete previous exams by Prof. Hünenberger (from spring 2014 onward) are available (including problem statements in German and English as well as a sample solution; pdfs in the documents page; one recent exam may be temporarily removed and used as sample examination); it is highly recommended to use this material to prepare for your exam, but unwise to base your preparation exclusively on this (the scope of the examination encompasses the entire content of the lecture and of the practical exercises).
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