Gas-phase + conventional properties
Recommended data for the standard thermodynamic parameters of alkali, halides and hydrogen (book Table 5.22). The reported data includes the atomization enthalpy ΔaHɵ, the molar entropy sɵ, the molar heat capacity cPɵ, the molar volume vɵ, the molar volume-compressibility kTɵ and the molar volume-expansivity aPɵ of the alkali and halide or hydrogen elements (Iel), the ionization enthalpy ΔiHɵ, the molar entropy sɵ, the molar heat capacity cPɵ, the molar volume vɵ, the molar volume-compressibility kTɵ and the molar volume-expansivity aPɵ of the alkali and halide or hydrogen gas-phase atoms (Ig), the molar entropy sɵ, the molar heat capacity cPɵ, the molar volume vɵ, the molar volume-compressibility kTɵ and the molar volume-expansivity aPɵ of the alkali and halide gas-phase ions or of the gas-phase proton (Igz), the conventional hydration free energy ΔsG•, the conventional hydration enthalpy ΔsH• and conventional hydration entropy ΔsS• of the alkali and halide gas-phase ions or of the proton (Igz), the conventional partial molar entropy s•, the conventional partial molar heat capacity cP•, the conventional partial molar volume v•, the conventional partial molar volume-compressibility kT• and the conventional partial molar volume-expansivity aP• of the aqueous alkali and halide ions or of the aqueous proton (Iaqz), as well as the standard work function ωɵ of the alkali metals (Ms) and of platinum Pts (values between parentheses). The entries ε provide error estimates on the conventional solvation parameters and partial molar variables in aqueous solution reported in the preceding lines. The standard states are according to the bbmeT convention (reference pressure Pο=1 bar, reference molality bο=1 mol·kg-1 and reference temperature T-=298.15 K; standard state for the free electron according to the warm-electron convention: ideal-gas at temperature T-, according to Fermi-Dirac statistics; Fermi-Dirac statistics is also applied for the gas-phase standard state of the proton; the work functions refer to polycrystalline surfaces). The solvation parameters and partial molar variables in solution are assumed here to pertain to the standard (ΔsG•, ΔsH•, ΔsS•, s•, cP•) or the density-corrected (v•*, kT•*, aP•*) variant, which represents the most likely situation, but may not necessarily be the case in reality. The conventional solvation free energy (ΔsG•) is identical in the two variants.
Property Unit H Li Na K Rb Cs
Property Unit F Cl Br I
The errors estimates ε on the conventional values correspond to bias-corrected standard-deviations over 317 (partial or complete) experimental data sets from 144 literature sources, excluding outliers (deviation for a given ion larger than three times the standard deviation) from the statistics, and assuming a redundancy factor of 5 to compensate for the use of common raw data by different sources. The recommended data is not defined by the corresponding average, but by sets considered the most trustworthy by the authors of the book. The entries ΔsG•[Igz] and ΔsS•[Igz] (but not the corresponding error estimates) represent redundant data, i.e. can be derived from data in this and other tables. The entry Fωɵ[Ms] refers to alkali metals for the alkali, or to platinum (Pts) for the halides and hydrogen (between parentheses).