Pair properties
Recommended data for the reticulation parameters and salt partial molar variables of the alkali-halides (book Table 5.21). The reported data includes the reticulation enthalpy ΔlHɵ of the alkali-halide gas-phase ions (MXg), as well as the molar entropy sɵ, the molar heat capacity cPɵ, the molar volume vɵ, the molar volume-compressibility kTɵ and the molar volume-expansivity aPɵ of the alkali-halide salts (MXs). The standard states are according to the bbmeT convention (reference pressure Pο=1 bar, reference molality bο=1 mol·kg-1 and reference temperature T-=298.15 K).
The sɵ value for RbF (between parentheses) is based on a non-experimental (interpolated) estimate for ΔlSɵ[RbFg]. Note: The symbol ΔlHɵ[MXg] in the first line of the second half of the table is written incorrectly as ΔlHɵ[MXs] in the book, see erratum (entry #005).