Redox properties
Recommended data for standard redox potentials and their first and second pressure and temperature derivatives for the alkali and halide half-cell elements considering water as a solvent (book Table 5.25). The reported data includes the redox potential ΔHVɵ (relative to the reference hydrogen electrode), its first and second pressure derivatives ∂PΔHVɵ and ∂2PΔHVɵ, respectively, its first and second temperature derivatives ∂TΔHVɵ and ∂2TΔHVɵ, respectively, its cross-second derivative with respect to temperature and pressure ∂2P,TΔHVɵ, as well as the metal-solution lateral Volta potential difference ΔψɵM,S and the real absolute electrode potential VM,Sɵ of the alkali and halide half-cell elements. The standard states are corresponding to the bbmeT convention (reference pressure Pο=1 bar, reference molality bο=1 mol·kg-1 and reference temperature T-=298.15 K; standard state for the free electron according to the warm-electron convention: ideal-gas at temperature T-, according to Fermi-Dirac statistics; Fermi-Dirac statistics is also applied for the gas-phase standard state of the proton).
Property Unit Li Na K Rb Cs Notes
Property Unit F Cl Br I Notes
(a) redundant data, i.e. can be derived from data in this and other tables; (b) calculated from the recommended conventional data reported in a preceding table; (c) experimental data derived directly from electrochemical redox-potential measurements; (d) value refers to alkali metals for the alkali, or to platinum (Pts) for the halides (between parentheses).