Single-ion intrinsic properties
Recommended data for the single-ion intrinsic hydration parameters of the gas-phase proton and alkali and halide ions, and the single-ion intrinsic partial molar variables of the aqueous proton and alkali and halide ions (book Table 5.26). The reported data includes the intrinsic hydration free energy ΔsGɵ, the intrinsic hydration enthalpy ΔsHɵ and the intrinsic hydration entropy ΔsSɵ of the alkali and halide and hydrogen gas-phase ions (Igz), the intrinsic partial molar entropy sɵ, the intrinsic partial molar heat capacity cPɵ, the intrinsic partial molar volume vɵ, the intrinsic partial molar volume-compressibility kTɵ and the intrinsic partial molar volume-expansivity aPɵ of the aqueous alkali and halide and hydrogen ions (Iaqz), the intrinsic absolute electrode potential of the reference hydrogen electrode VH,watɵ and its temperature derivative ∂TVH,watɵ, as well as the semi-standard point-to-point solvation parameters ΔsG□, ΔsH□, ΔsS□ and ΔsCP□ of the gas-phase alkali and halide and hydrogen ions (Igz). These parameters characterize the transfer of the ion from a fixed point in the gas-phase to a fixed point in the bulk solvent, under standard conditions of pressure and temperature for the solvent. The standard states are according to the bbmeT convention (reference pressure Pο=1 bar, reference molality bο=1 mol·kg-1 and reference temperature T-=298.15 K). The solvation parameters and partial molar variables in solution are assumed here to pertain to the standard (ΔsGɵ, ΔsHɵ, ΔsSɵ, sɵ, cPɵ) or the density-corrected (vɵ*, kTɵ*, aPɵ*) variant, which represents the most likely situation, but may not necessarily be the case in reality. The intrinsic solvation free energy ΔsGɵ is identical in the two variants. Note that the three latter density-corrected standard partial molar variables in solution are identical to the corresponding semi-standard point-to-point solvation parameters (ΔsV□, ΔsKT□, ΔsAP□). Note that the data in this table corresponds to experimentally-elusive properties and has therefore to be considered with some caution (i.e. it is implicitly bound to a specific extra-thermodynamic assumption).
Property Unit H Li Na K Rb Cs
Property Unit F Cl Br I
All the entries of this table represent redundant data, i.e. can be derived from data in the other tables.