Feedback concerning the book or this web site is very welcome, including:
- Criticisms
- Compliments
- Suggestions
- Error reports
- Relevant scientific publications (pdf)
Please, feel free to contact us per e-mail, addressed to phil<at>
We will also keep an up-to-date erratum on this site...
A second edition ?
Depending on the success of the book, we might consider publishing a second revised/extended edition within a few years (~2015). At present, the main focus of the book is on the hydration thermodynamics of ions in the infinitely-dilute regime and under standard conditions of pressure and temperature. The data compilation provided is restricted in this context to the alkali and halide ions, as well as the proton (also including closely related properties such as the air-liquid interfacial potential of water or the absolute potential of the reference hydrogen electrode in this solvent). Some important topics, that have currently been left aside, could be included in a second edition, namely:
- The discussion ionic solvation at finite concentration (e.g. ion-ion interactions, activity effects)
- The discussion of solvation structure (e.g. solvation shells, Jahn-Teller effects)
- The discussion of solvation dynamics and ionic kinetics (e.g. solvent exchange reactions, ionic diffusion and conductivity, dielectric relaxation)
- The discussion of non-equilibrium electrochemistry (e.g. voltage-current relationships, electrode kinetics)
- The discussion of ionic interfacial phenomena (e.g. surface adsorbtion of ions, influence on the interfacial tension)
- A data compilation encompassing polyvalent ions
- A data compilation encompassing polyatomic ions
- A data compilation encompassing non-aqueous solvents
- A data compilation encompassing a broader range of pressure/temperature conditions
In this perspective, we gladly welcome all scientific publications (pdf) relevant to the current content of the book or to any of these additional topics, be it on the experimental or on the theoretical side.